आप यहाँ हैं : मुख्यपृष्ठ / पाठ्यक्रम / गांधीजी जीवन दर्शन पर फेलोशिप

गांधीजी जीवन दर्शन पर फेलोशिप


The end of all education should be a service and if a student gets an opportunity to render service while s/he is studying s/he should consider it as a rare opportunity and treat it not as a suspension of her/his education but rather a complement”- Mahatma Gandhi. This fellowship is the outcome of NIN’s legacy of Mahatma Gandhis’ association with this institute. It provides an opportunity to the aspirants to undergo a self transformation as well as bring changes in the society and public systems through Gandhian thoughts and values. A revisit to Gandhi’s vision vis-à-vis present day society and provide non-violent solutions would be the ultimate outcome of this program

Fellowship Program In Gandhian Philosophy   PDF File

गांधीवादी फैलोशिप प्रवेश सूचना अंतिम तिथि 25 जून 2024   PDF File